Saturday, June 24, 2006

starting to recover

From the night of no sleep. I'm posting this from
email, so it might format funny. Anyhow, i bought
a new phone. I had to, my phone is for work and i
can't be without it. Set me back almost 300
smackers. OUCH. big time OUCH. looks like it'll
be cereal and plain tea for me for a while. at least
the phone is a tax deductable expense!

Friday, June 23, 2006

By way of explaination

of the previous picture - I spent the entire night at Disneyland, chaperoning "grad nite", oh, i don't know, maybe because I AM AN IDIOT. . . wall to wall teenagers, closed rides, and loud, overly bassed out, distorted, thumpy bumpy music pouring in from every audial orifice of the park. fun?? not so much. and it reached a climax of universal sucky-ness when my cell phone and wallet were STOLEN right out from under me while I was watching 'narnia' in lincoln's theater. And no doubt stolen -- I didn't loose them. I had just taken a picture with my phone before the movie started, and I put it away in my purse. And my purse had been tampered with. right out from under me. happiest place on earth?? I'm thinking: NO. Well, anyhow, say a prayer that my wallet and phone find their way back to me! AND i had a butt-load of pictures on my phone!! I'm so discouraged!!! I just want the pictures back. Good thing I instablog, at least I have some on the internet!! But i STILL really want the rest back!!! I'd give up the phone, if I could just get all my pictures!! *sigh*


Originally uploaded by karysmania.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Originally uploaded by karysmania.
note to self: Never hit a punching bag without a glove

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by karysmania.
So strange ...i was trying to buy a snack and instead the machine spit quarters out at me . Ten dollars and fifty cents worth ! I thought i won a jack pot . . But i took the mound of change to the fuller office . . . Im too honest i guess :)

I'm back

In the City of Smog. The first thing I did was watch X3. No - correction, the first thing I did was sleep for about 10 hours. Three weeks of severe sleep depravation got the best of me, and then the next thing I did was print up BUTTLOADS of stuff for work -then i went to see X3. The movie really got to me. I cried.

my internet is down - i'm currently at Starbucks getting my email from work, and posting to random blogs because my brain is fried. I have to write a paper today for grad school. my brain is in no state to use big, vacuous, grad-school-type words. what am i going to do? Plus I have to print up 300 4-page newsletters and do a big fat mail-out. Ouch.

Fortunately for me, SnowPatrol cancelled their show last night and will be back in September. There's NO WAY I could have made it to a midnight show at the Wiltern. I would have died.

Let me see if I have more pics to post. I do - here is the regatta (an action shot), our new porch unveiling, and hannah and mitch at the second pit party.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Originally uploaded by karysmania.
Im at the denver airport . thats my head. my flight is delayed and im bored


Originally uploaded by karysmania.
In the airport at rapid ..i have two hours to wait