In the City of Smog. The first thing I did was watch X3. No - correction, the first thing I did was sleep for about 10 hours. Three weeks of severe sleep depravation got the best of me, and then the next thing I did was print up BUTTLOADS of stuff for work -
then i went to see X3. The movie really got to me. I cried.
my internet is down - i'm currently at Starbucks getting my email from work, and posting to random blogs because my brain is fried. I have to write a paper today for grad school. my brain is in no state to use big, vacuous, grad-school-type words. what am i going to do? Plus I have to print up 300 4-page newsletters and do a big fat mail-out. Ouch.
Fortunately for me, SnowPatrol cancelled their show last night and will be back in September. There's NO WAY I could have made it to a midnight show at the Wiltern. I would have died.
Let me see if I have more pics to post. I do - here is the regatta (an action shot), our new porch unveiling, and hannah and mitch at the second pit party.