Saturday, March 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by karysmania.
my new friend . Born today .

Thursday, March 22, 2007

that sound you hear . . .

is my life coming to a screeching halt.  

my internet is down.   i almost don’t know how to function.  my mom went and goofed up our service while i was gone and i haven’t had time to try to deal with it.  sometimes, a signal blows over from somewhere and i  can get my email – which is how i’m sending this post.  

i can also be seen lurking outside the mpk bachelor pad at odd hours, stealing their internet signal.  (bmao, if you see my car outside at 2 am, don’t be alarmed, i’m just pirating your signal, hence the flag)   And today, i sunk to a new level of desperation, i was actually cruising my street with my laptop open, trying to find unprotected wireless.  

sad, truly sad.