Wednesday, April 05, 2006

indecsion over

i bought the 30. that way i didn't really have to shell out extra money.
thank you, SearsRewards card! now i can join the rest of the world and wear
my white earbuds proudly. i have to take a picture of the earbud condoms.
i think it's funny.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

random things. . .

amazingly, i managed to finish my submissions for the Art Gallery at my grad school. (spent a good chunk of my weekend on it, actually) UNFORTUNATELY i forgot to take pictures of them, so i can't show you what they look like. One of them came out surprizingly well, to the point where i don't really want to part with it. Last year i FINALLY got an honorable mention (i've been participating for 5 years already, maybe they felt sorry for me). Hopefully this year maybe I'll do even better. And if someone wants to BUY one of them, I could make almost a hundred bucks. (but I won't hold my breath or anything)

on other important developments in life, SEARS finally has the video ipod in stock. so, tomorrow I will be the proud owner of the videopod and it will be almost free. I had a big bunch of rewards points. AND because I put my grad school TUITION on my rewards card, pretty soon I'll have another big chunk o'change. I'm thinking I should spring for a better digital camera. Maybe a really nice one. Me and my techno-lust. But let me tell you that i am looking forward to downloading EVERY SONG I OWN and all my video clips onto a device the size of a slice of cheese. We live in a great era.

at least i tried. . .

BUT i guess no one bit. the answers posted on april first were totally bogus. i guess i should have gone with my original april fools plan, but i was afraid people might believe it and therefore start insidious rumors that i'd never be able to live down. . . Just in case anyone actually READS this thing, and because i can't STAND the thought of something being out in the atmosphere that says i own paula abdul cd's, here's the REAL one.
1 moonlighting
platinum blond (ala gwen stephani)
watership down.
pcc, cal poly pomona, cal state l.a., rio hondo, elac, fuller, ucla (extension)
bunny rabbit
wiener dog (dachshund)
glenn miller
dark green
13. birthday, parents met at channel 13, and our address.
answer: designed costumes for a show. (and i meant a full staged show, SO the carolers don't count. . . =)
the crucible.
strawberry cream green tea latte
non fiction books.
2 or jenny kim
2) ee cummings
3) the scottish play. (macbeth) (comedy of errors a close 2nd)
4) benny and joon.
bonus: INTP.