karysma7: exit, stage left. . .
i should probably be getting more sleep. . .
Friday, May 19, 2006
Oh yeah i forgot to mention that i went to the rennesaince faire last weekend. we got these very cool pewter medallions that were made right in front of us . . From molten metal . . I wore mine today ...i had to wear all black anyways :)
BENNY MAO will be performing this Sunday in MY HOMETOWN at 12 noon. . .
that's right, good old MPK. see www.bennymao.com for info.
I'm trying to post this link via email again - the email thing messes up the
html. let's see if it works:
Posted from Email
If anyone is curious, HERE is the website of the place where I will be
<A href="http://www.blackhillsplayhouse.com">BLACK HILLS PLAYHOUSE</A>
If you happen to want an interesting road-trip, come out and see the show.
I know, it's quite a drive - BUT I thought I'd at LEAST ask. . . the drive
out there is supposed to be beautiful. . and you can also see Mount
Rushmore. . . =)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
and counting. . .
the countdown begins - seven days until i leave for south dekota and who-knows-what adventures await me there! please say a prayer for our safety driving across the country (well, half of it anyway). and HERE is the mailing address for me while I'm there, you know, for letters, care packages, (HINT, HINT) or anything else that anyone wants to send my way from May 25 to June 18th:
(put my name here)
Black Hills Playhouse
24834 South Playhouse Rd.
Custer, SD 57730
some of my friends will be going to new orleans to help with the reconstruction while i'm in SD. i wish i could go with them, i'm a little bummed that i can't. but maybe we'll go again some time.