weekend of really random things. . .

a view into benny's nostrils. . . (notice timmy in the back also)

everyone, squish rosa!!!

amy and david's wedding reception: amy peeking.

can you believe i was once the middle teacher for these beautiful young women? weird. . .

The Gabrielino kids bring home the silver. . . Alex and Patrick, seniors. . I'm gonna miss them. . . !
i started the weekend in solvang. . .rode a bus filled with highschool kids up to SF. . .heard some great choral music. . . played at Great America where we were the only guests in the park (rode top gun twice in ten minutes, in the front row no less. . . ) got up at 4:55 am and flew back for Amy and David's inspiring reception-slash-mini reunion. . .then went to the house of blues to watch bennymao and friends. . . and had a truly great night. life is good.
by any chance, did you take any pictures at HOB?
i would have but they CONFISCATED MY CAMERA. . .
fascists. . .
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