Monday, July 25, 2005


that I have really had my *issues* with the 'current administration' .
. . but at least it looks like MAYBE something worthwhile might actually happen during these woeful years. Just read in us news that Israel is pulling out of the
west bank with some US pressure. Of course it remains to be seen what happens, promises have
been made before. But with any luck, maybe things will find some
peaceful resolution. August 17th is the critical date. .

Of course I'm not against Isreal, I'm not against anybody, really. But I keep thinking isn't there something in the Torah about God warning them not to
mistreat the strangers and aliens living among them. ( Either that or
completely annihilate them. But in this day and age, I think that
would lead to world war 3. ) There has to be a peaceable solution
somewhere, but this at least sounds like a step in that direction. . . and it may be the
best move we make on the so called "war on terror". . .of course, there are militants claiming that they will fight the disengagement all the way, but, as always, I hope in my heart for peace. war sucks.


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