Thursday, April 28, 2005

some random reflections on life:

tap class has been the bane of my existance. . . but this week i finally was able to actually do the steps and actually not completely suck. . . in fact, there were brief moments where i might have actually been good. not sure about that yet, but at least the teacher didn't make me re-do the sequence ten times like he usually does. i have gone from feeling fear and loathing towards him to almost a mild benevolence.

speaking of f and l, i'm sad about the strange loss of hunter s. thompson, though we should all have known that something like that was coming one day. . . still, i'm kind of sad.

i managed to get some artwork done and into the grad school gallery showing. . . this year i actually got an award for one piece. you don't understand, i've been doing this for years, and this is the first time i've finally gotten something. . . maybe it was just out of pity. . . who knows?? but it was nice to get something.

i'm a little too excited about the fact that hitchikers guide has been made into a movie. . i hope they do it justice. (yes, i am nerdy enough to be a HGTG fan. Don't Panic.)

speaking of that, what's the difference between a geek and a nerd? I've always wondered. Which one goes to ST conventions? Which one goes to lectures at CalTech? Is it really important anyway?

another random comment, i really liked i heart huckabees. didn't think i would, but i did. dustin and lily were great, and i like schwartzman. (sp?)

speaking of another random thing, my old acting teacher is doing Happy End in the fall. . . (a muscial). . . i'm actually kinda interested in it. . but I've never done the muscial thing before. . . kinda intimidated. . . but who knows? it might be fun. . .

I leave for texas in two days. I'm not ready.


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