I had a TOTALLY lucid dream. I always think it’s so cool when this happens.
Hey, check this out – I’m dreaming. Cool! Hey. . . If I’m dreaming, that means I can do anything. What do I want to do? Fly! I want to fly. (starts to fly) Man, here I am, aware that I’m dreaming, and all I want to do is fly. I could do anything. But I think I really want to fly. Besides, nothing else is going on in this dream. Oh, that reminds me, I’ll have to remember that last bit about the computers when I wake up (note: I don’t). Hey, look -- I’m flying, (camera dollies up, way up, and pans down on Monterey Park.) So, if I KNOW that I’m dreaming, how am I going to keep from waking up? Oh, I know, I’ll just look really intently, pay close attention to what’s happening. Wow, everything is so vivid! And so clear! And look at all that detail! Wow, I can read the sign on that store down there. I can’t BELIEVE all this detail, and everything is so clear. How am I creating all of this detail in my mind? Or am I just remembering it? But, I’ve never actually seen it from this angle before. Woah, I’m getting too low, looks like I’m going to crash. Ok, just go up. There we go. Oh, too high, don’t like this. There we go, floating right over the city. I really think the thing I like to do best in my dreams is fly – this is so much fun!!! Oh shoot, I think I’m starting to wake up. OK, just look at the landscape, focus on the details of the dream, focus, focus. (a loud noise happens) darn it! I think I’m waking up!! (wakes up)
And that was literally the lucid part of my dream. Weird, eh? I like lucid dreams, but this the MOST lucid one I’ve had for a while. Not only was I aware that I was dreaming, but I was even aware that I was starting to slip out of the REM state. Do lucid dreams mean anything? I wonder. . .
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